Peppermint Essential Everyday Oil

Origins of Peppermint Essential Oil Peppermint, one of the Earth’s oldest medicinal herbs, is a cross between spearmint and water mint and has been grown in Europe and North America for centuries for the alleviation of health conditions, flavoring of foods as well as topical remedies. Menthol, contained within its leaves contributes to some of…

Organic Blood Yoni Eggs

                Yoni Eggs are semi-precious polished crystals  which are inserted in the yoni (vagina) to assist in balancing chakras, strengthening and toning the vaginal muscles as well as the entire pelvic floor, spiritual and energetic self-development and improvement of overall health and quality of life.   They are…

New Years Detox

Are we all ready to start 2016 off right by detoxing from those yummy holiday treats and sweets? Who else went in on that double chocolate cake like I did?  Let’s face it, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years dinner is filled with the most mucous-forming foods in sometimes the worst combinations.  We find the dinner…

Super Immune System Booster

Our bodies are designed with a unique system that has canniboid receptors, those are receptors that only interact with cannabinoids. Natural and abundant sources of cannabinoids are the marijuana plant and our bodies themselves.  Studies on the cannabinoid system and the types of cannibis that react with them have lead many doctors to believe in the…

Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing can be both exceedingly beneficial and enjoyable for an individual.  The act of slowing down to skin brush can be very therapeutic because one is taking the time to touch and personally address each part of his/her body. The optimal times in a day to skin brush are shortly after rising in the morning or…

The #1 skin moisturizer in America.

Shea butter has been used for centuries for it’s moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiaging properties.  It is indigenous to Africa and comes from the karite shea tree.  When Shea butter is used raw, it is filled with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A and E, as well as essential fatty acids.  It has a creamy…

Surviving vs. Thriving and Grounding Yourself In Life

Long-Term Stress Has a Cost It’s no secret that the issues of feeling of being fatigued, having nerves that are on the fritz due to stress, or an inability to get motivated  in life are a common in this society where we trade our precious time for money and the quality of our well-being for…

Infinite Awareness & Unplugging Your Chakras

Being Infinite is a Choice In the last article we discussed how what we perceive to be standards for reality continuously change, such as with the result of the elections and how we can intentionally re-direct our energy towards what we would like to develop within ourselves. Newton’s second law of nature states that energy…

Natural Living and Becoming Infinite

Anything is Possible Our last presidential family was melanated and our current president is the wildest card that “the powers that be” have ever selected. If you are not yet convinced that anything is possible, you are about to find out. You are going to find as one surprise after another rolls out in the…

Healing the Inflammation of Human Consciousness and Mother Earth: Part I

Anthropology, Geobiology, and Spirituality There is an anthropologically related saying stating that “when mental processes became human thought, it began to resonate with the harmonic that corresponds to what we call spirituality or awareness of the sacred.” Humanity is a direct product of the Earth and what we do to it and ourselves has a reciprocal…

Morning Routine & Predicting Your Success

Meditation is No Mystery   Most of us have life goals that we are working towards achieving and we feel that the acts that we passively carry ourselves through will somehow strengthen the rate in which these come to fruition. We wake up and jump into the rat race through the act of using technology,…